Monday, 1 March 2021

A Day For Gratitude...

So on my birth day a few days ago I committed myself to blog around the skills on my upcoming online course and how I use them myself. My initial plan is to dedicate each of the seven skills to a day in the week.

Skill one fortunately is around gratitude, and please if you want to share your experience today around using that skill please do, we can all learn from each other and it's always a lift to have companions on our journey to greater well-being.

So I am grateful for being in a nice place, even though it's slightly isolated, nature this time of year is beautiful especially when the sun shines. And what a morning, I got up early to collect the birch water/sap that I'm tapping of a tree, it turned out to be the most beautiful frosty morning, see the pic above.

Of course, it's easy to be grateful when everything is working well, we feel good and things are going our way.

So today I'm going to be grateful for something that doesn't go my way because that changes a difficulty into a positive challenge. So

I'm grateful that the creation of my online course is taking sooo much longer than anticipated😊

I'm grateful that I have to update my website and don't know how to 😏because I trust that it will all be revealed as I go along.

I'm grateful for the help I am receiving from the various organisations who are running the programs that I'm using to create my online well-being course, its content and tasks. I've found everyone I contact extremely approachable and helpful. I'm grateful for the corona situation from that point of view. There's a general increase and kindness and positive communication with the people we do see or communicate with, it's like we are making sure that everyone is okay.💖 For that I am truly grateful.

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