Sunday, 13 May 2018

It is the way you do it

Hello again,
busy week as always, this time putting together a trailer of the seven Happiness Skills videos which hopefully will wet the appetite of viewers to see more.

Also, I am looking at distributors of educational material as I need to go knocking on doors to let people know that we have a wonderful Happiness Skills series which will benefit pupils enormously -if they get a chance to see and work with it!

I have never claimed my material to be unique but perhaps the way I present it might appeal to a number of people who know that they need these skills to remain well and happy.

This week's happy moment: spotting this heron surveying his 'kingdom' whilst us mere mortals were walking the canal

Sunday, 6 May 2018

A Trailer

Hello again
it has been a wonderful week looking through the videos in order to decide which parts would be suitable to make a trailer to introduce schools to the program. 

Also, I have ideas for Lesson Plans which can support teachers in bringing the material to pupils, and facilitators to bring it to participants. 

Today's Happy Moment: watching the fabulous bluebells under the trees - they faithfully appear year after year in spite of all weather